Technology-GK Practice MCQ Questions – 09 Posted on June 28, 2020June 28, 2020 by admin 0 Created on June 28, 2020 By admin Technology-GK Practice MCQ Questions - 09 1 / 10 1. The letters, "DOS" stand for... A.Data Out System B.Disk Out System C.Disk Operating System D.Data Operating System 2 / 10 2. What does CPU stand for? A.Cute People United B.Commonwealth Press Union C.Computer Parts of USA D.Central Processing Unit 3 / 10 3. Which of these is a valid e-mail address? D.professor@learnthenet 4 / 10 4. Which device can be used to store charge? A.Transistor B.Diode C.Capacitor D.Resistor 5 / 10 5. Modem stands for: A.Modulator Demodulater B.Monetary Devaluation Exchange Mechanism C.Memory Demagnetization D.Monetary Demarkation 6 / 10 6. What is the difference between the Internet and an intranet? A.One is public, the other is private B.One is safer than the other C.One can be monitored, the other can't D.None of the above 7 / 10 7. In a Digital circuit, what is 1 'AND' 1? A.0 B.1 C.2 D.4 8 / 10 8. Your computer has gradually slowed down. What's the most likely cause? A.Overheating B.Your processor chip is just getting old C.Adware/spyware is infecting your PC D.You dropped a sandwich in your computer 9 / 10 9. In which decade was the transistor invented? A.1940s B.1950s C.1960s D.1980s 10 / 10 10. A JPG is: A.A Jumper Programmed Graphic B.A format for an image file C.A type of hard disk D.A unit of measure for memory Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz