Synonym MCQ Question with Answer Posted on June 13, 2020June 14, 2020 by admin 25 Created on June 13, 2020 By admin Synonym MCQ Question with Answer 1 / 15 Q.1 Which word best express the meaning of BARBARIAN.. A. Unkind B. Impolite C. Unlikeness D. Uncivilised 2 / 15 Q.2 The word best express the meaning of BEMOAN.. A. Lament B. Soothe C. Denounce D. Loathe 3 / 15 Q.3 Which of the following word best express the meaning of HAGGLE.. A. Crisis B. Impeach C. Ignore D. Bargain 4 / 15 Q.4 The nearst word of CONNOISSEUR bearing similar meaning is.. A. Lover of art B. Ignorant C. Stubborn D. Violent 5 / 15 Q.5 Find the suitable word close to the word ZENITH.. A. Middle B. Under C. Pinnacle D. Nadir 6 / 15 Q.6 Choose the word nearest in meaning to AMBITION.. A. Plan B. Proclamation C. Desire D. Decision 7 / 15 Q.7 Choose nearest maning of TAINT.. A. Soil B. Stain C. Dirty D. Corrupt 8 / 15 Q.8 Which word is more less synonym of ABLE.. A. Not able B. Not worthy C. Ability D. Capable 9 / 15 Q.9 I believe in the unity of God. Here 'Unity' means.. A. Uniqueness B. Oneness C. University D. Universal 10 / 15 Q.10 Choose the word nearest in meaning to CONCEAL... A. Unfold B. Reveal C. Open D. Discover 11 / 15 Q.11 Find nearest meaning of IMPASSE.. A. Stalemate B. Impossibility C. Difficulty D. Confrontation 12 / 15 Q.12 Select the word with the Most Similar in meaning to HERALDED.. A. Suspected B. Publicised C. Dragged D. Objective 13 / 15 Q.13 Find nearest meaning of OUT WEIGHT... A. Surpass B. Preish C. Venture D. Control 14 / 15 Q.14 Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning of SCUTTLE.. A. Delay B. Mix C. Shuffle D. Destroy 15 / 15 Q.15 Find the Nearest meaning of SPURRED... A. Instigated B. Prompted C. Reflected D. Agitated Your score is The average score is 20% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz
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