Profit And Loss – Aptitude MCQ Questions – 15

Question 1
The profit earned after selling an article for Rs. 1754 is the same as loss incurred after selling the article for Rs. 1492. What is the cost price of the article?

Question 2
An article was sold at a profit of 12% . If the cost price would be 10% less and selling price would be Rs. 5.75 more, there would be a profit of 30 %. Then at what price it should be sold to make a profit of 20% = ?

Question 3
Raju purchased an item for Rs. 8200 and sold it at a gain of 25% . From that amount he purchased another item and sold it at a loss of 20% . What is his overall gain loss ?

Question 4
When a plot is sold for Rs. 18700, the owner loses 15% . At what price must the plot be sold in order to gain 15% ?

Question 5

A businessman sells a commodity at 10% profit. If he had bought it at 10% less and sold it for Rs. 2 less, then he would have gained 16*2/3 % . The cost price of the commodity is = ?

Question 6
By selling 90 ball pens for Rs. 160, a person loses 20% . How many ball pens should be sold for Rs. 96 so as to have a profit of 20% ?

Question 7

Dinesh bought two radios for Rs. 1920. He sold one at a profit of 20% and other at a loss of  6*2/3 % . If the selling price of both radios are same, then find the cost price of both radios = ?

Question 8
A fruit seller sells mangoes at the rate of Rs. 9 per kg and thereby loses 20% . At what price per kg, he should have sold, them to make a profit of 5% ?

Question 9

The reduction of Rs. 12 in the selling price of an article will changes 5% gain into 2*1/2 % lose. The cost price of the article is = ?

Question 10

A book seller sells a book at a profit of 10% . If he had bought it at 4% less and sold it for Rs. 6 more. He would have gained  18*3/% . The cost price of the book is = ?

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