Coding And Decoding Reasoning MCQ Questions – 03

Question 1
If every alternative letter starting from B of the English alphabet is written in small letter, rest all are written in capital letters, how the month 'September' be written as:

Question 2
In a certain code ORCHESTRA is written as ARTSEORCH. How is DREAMLAND written in that code. ORESTRA

Question 3
If DELHI can be coded as CCIDD, how would you code BOMBAY?

Question 4
In a certain code, FAVOUR is written as EBUPTS. How is DANGER written in that code?

Question 5
If in a certain language, MIRACLE is coded as NKUEHRL, then how is GAMBLE coded in that language?

Question 6
In a certain language, WEAK is coded as 9%2$ and SKIT is coded as #$7@, then how will WAIT be coded in the same language?

Question 7
In a certain code JA KI MO PE means AT A FROG'S LEAP, MO LA KI SO means TAKE A LEAP AHEAD and RE BO JA NA means INSECTS ARE FROG'S DIET. Which of the following is code for AT in that language?

Question 8
If in a certain code, LUTE is written as MUTE and FATE is written as GATE, then how will BLUE be written in that code?

Question 9
In a certain code, THEN is coded as VFGL. How the WORD may be coded?

Question 10
If A = 4, K = 3, N = 2, P = 1, then the sum of which set of the letters makes the highest number?

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