AWS MCQ Quiz – 06

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AWS MCQ Quiz - 06

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Q.1 Which of the following allows merchants to fill orders through fulfillment service?


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Q.2 Point out the correct statement:


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Q.3 Which of the following provides access for developers to charge Amazon’s customers for their purchases?


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Q.4 Which of the following uses an authentication device?


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Q.5 What is a virtual server platform that allows users to create and run virtual machines on Amazon’s server farm.


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Q.6 AMI’s are operating systems running on the _____ virtualization hypervisor.


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Q.7 Which of the following instance class is best used for applications that are processor- or compute-intensive?


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Q.8 Which of the following instance has an hourly rate with no long-term commitment?


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Q.9 Which of the following is a batch processing application?


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Q.10 Point out the correct statement:


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Q.11 How many EC2 service zones or regions exist?


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Q.12 Amazon ______ cloud-based storage system allows you to store data objects ranging in size from 1 byte up to 5GB.


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Q.13 Which of the following can be done with S3 buckets through the SOAP and REST APIs?


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Q.14 Which of the following operation retrieves the newest version of the object?


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Q.15 Which of the following statement is wrong about Amazon S3?


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