Amazon Web Service Quiz – 01

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Amazon Web Service Quiz - 01

1 / 10

Q.1 Amazon SQS pricing is based on a number of _______ and the amount of ______ transferred in and out.


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Q.2 To prevent messages from being lost or becoming unavailable, all messages are stored __________ across multiple servers and data centres.


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Q.3 A _____ letter queue is a queue that other queues can target to send messages that could not be processed successfully.


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Q.4 What type of queuing system is Amazon SQS?


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Q.5 Amazon SQS was designed to enable a/an _________ number of messaging services to read and write a/an ________ number of messages.


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Q.6 Amazon SQS is optimized for ______ scalability, not for single-threaded sending or receiving speeds.


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Q.7 With Amazon _________, developers can monitor metrics for Amazon SQS and trigger an alarm when a threshold is met.


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Q.8 Amazon Redshift is what type of data warehouse service?


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Q.9 What does MPP stand for when referring to the type of architecture Redshift has?


10 / 10

Q.10 Redshift can provide fast query performance by leveraging _______ storage approaches and technology.


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